muy fácil | 76%
Start the game.
muy fácil | 71%
Make it to the first challenging level.
fácil | 65%
Complete the 3rd challenge level.
fácil | 60%
Beat the boss of the first chapter.
fácil | 48%
Beat the boss of the second chapter.
fácil | 41%
Beat the boss of the third chapter.
medio | 38%
Beat the boss of the fourth chapter.
medio | 30%
Make it to the end game credits.
medio | 37%
Collect one quarter of all difficulty points.
difícil | 16%
Collect half of all difficulty points.
extremo | 3%
Collect three quarters of all difficulty points.
extremo | 1%
Collect all difficulty points.
muy difícil | 6%
Find and visit every level.
medio | 28%
Find one third of all exploration points.
difícil | 10%
Find two thirds of all exploration points.
extremo | 4%
Find all exploration points.
medio | 20%
Find the alternative ending of the game.
extremo | 2%
Start a fresh game and reach the end in less than 30 minutes without using exploration mode.
extremo | 1%
Earn a water drop in evey level while the pump is broken.
Admire your beautiful 100% save file in the save slot selection.
Make it to the end of the game with 0 deaths (without using exploration mode).
fácil | 64%
Die 100 times.
medio | 26%
Die 1000 times.
fácil | 52%
Show Squid your new hat.
fácil | 48%
Find the smiley minigame.
extremo | 3%
Reach level 100 in the smiley minigame.
medio | 35%
Use the glitch.
fácil | 64%
Return for a 2nd play session.
fácil | 63%
Manually change the difficulty.