fácil | 46%
Attacked an enemy in battle in 8-bit version
muy difícil | 5%
Negotiated with the merchant in the 8-bit version
extremo | 3%
Became small in 8-bit version
medio | 35%
Died in battle in 8-bit version
fácil | 47%
It was damaged in battle in 8-bit version
extremo | 2%
Gave Dunric his ring in 8-bit version
extremo | 2%
Helped Ana and won the game in 8-bit version
extremo | 3%
Helped the king in 8-bit version
extremo | 2%
Ignored Ana and won the game in the 8-bit version
extremo | 3%
Walked with magic carpet in the 8-bit version
muy difícil | 6%
Slept in 8-bit version
medio | 31%
Used the key in the 8-bit version
fácil | 41%
Won a battle in 8-bit version
difícil | 11%
Negotiated with the merchant in the 16-bit version
muy difícil | 5%
Became small in 16-bit version
fácil | 60%
Died in battle in 16-bit version
muy fácil | 75%
Joined a battle in the 16-bit version
muy fácil | 75%
It was damaged in battle in 16-bit version
extremo | 4%
Gave Ana her ring in 16-bit version
extremo | 4%
Gave Dunric his ring in 16-bit version
extremo | 3%
Helped Ana and won the game in 16-bit version
extremo | 2%
Ignored Ana and won the game in the 16-bit version
muy difícil | 7%
Helped the king in 16-bit version
extremo | 4%
Levitated in 16-bit version
muy difícil | 6%
Walked with magic carpet in the 16-bit version
medio | 35%
Threw a fireball in 16-bit version
muy fácil | 73%
Won a battle in 16-bit version