fácil | 65%
Loralyn did not drug her father Alecis
muy fácil | 74%
Loralyn drugged her father Alecis
fácil | 66%
Loralyn took the family call
fácil | 60%
Loralyn took the business call
fácil | 42%
Loralyn was able to save her father from the spirits
fácil | 49%
Theron was impressed by Loralyn and allowed her to burn the book
medio | 33%
Why not get paid a little extra when all this madness is happening around you?
medio | 32%
Use Loralyn's connections with Jacqueline to learn to burn the book
medio | 28%
Loralyn offered Max hope when he needed it
fácil | 52%
Convince Max to bring Loralyn the book
fácil | 51%
Complete the sale of the Book to Theron
fácil | 68%
Witness Cody become possessed by the spirits
medio | 32%
Loralyn spoke to Pearce every chance she got.
medio | 27%
Jacqueline reveals her secret
medio | 28%
The spirits have attacked everything Loralyn loves most
medio | 33%
Sacrifice Pearce to the Spirits
medio | 34%
Unable to obtain the book or scans from anyone