difícil | 12%
Conclude a desert stage without falling into quicksand.
difícil | 17%
Complete all the bonus stages.
difícil | 10%
Find all hidden passages.
medio | 22%
Complete all stages.
fácil | 49%
Get a new outfit.
muy fácil | 70%
The first death by fall.
fácil | 49%
The first death by thorns.
difícil | 17%
Defeat the boss without taking any damage.
difícil | 13%
Find all the owl eggs.
muy difícil | 8%
Complete all stages with another player.
medio | 29%
Defeat the little Red Wing 100 times.
medio | 32%
Defeat the big Red Wing 25 times.
medio | 21%
Defeat the jetpack Red Wing 100 times.
medio | 34%
Finish a game stage without help from Flee or Zip.
difícil | 12%
Finish an entire level by defeating enemies with just the power of the Flee or Zip.
fácil | 47%
Defeat all stage enemies just by jumping on their heads.
difícil | 19%
Finish a stage without defeating any enemies.
difícil | 11%
Complete perfectly all stages.
medio | 20%
Lose the same bonus stage 5 times in a row.
medio | 22%
Play an entire level with a friend.
difícil | 11%
Take no damage while using the magic carpet.
muy fácil | 80%
What do we got here?
difícil | 17%
Retrieve Flee or Zip at the last second.
fácil | 50%
Lose a bonus stage by time out.
difícil | 12%
Conclude a volcano stage without falling into lava.