medio | 28%
All of your friends dropped out in a local multiplayer game.
difícil | 12%
Completed all of The Collector's requests.
difícil | 14%
Finished the game.
medio | 22%
Collected all destruction achievements.
medio | 24%
Dropped a golden idol in a pit.
medio | 21%
Transported 12 or more items with the elevator.
fácil | 58%
Had a fossil eaten by a crawler.
medio | 22%
Had a fossil smashed by a lavamander.
medio | 38%
Had a fossil covered in moss.
muy fácil | 72%
Had a fossil smashed by a cave-in.
fácil | 55%
Collected a golden idol.
difícil | 14%
Collected all golden idols.
difícil | 13%
Picked up an idol from the treasure hoard.
difícil | 18%
Collected all Digsite journal entries.
difícil | 15%
Collected all Mushroom Caverns journal entries.
difícil | 14%
Collected all Magma Chamber journal entries.
difícil | 13%
Collected all Abyss journal entries.
difícil | 13%
Collected all journal entries.
fácil | 69%
Rearranged the furniture in the lab.
muy fácil | 75%
Leapt the maximum distance.
medio | 34%
Died in a pit 100 times.
difícil | 17%
Dropped 50 fossils in pits.
medio | 29%
Played as each of the Fossil Hunters.
difícil | 15%
Had all three power-ups active at once.
difícil | 12%
Picked up the Sammy rock and brought it to the elevator.
muy fácil | 72%
Unlocked a schematic door.
difícil | 15%
Unlocked all schematic doors.
medio | 22%
Unlocked the bridge shopkeep.
difícil | 18%
Unlocked the dynamic shopkeep.
medio | 31%
Unlocked the support shopkeep.
fácil | 47%
Unlocked the lamp shopkeep.
muy fácil | 74%
Made a skeleton.
fácil | 57%
Made 10 skeletons.
medio | 21%
Made 50 skeletons.
difícil | 15%
Made 100 skeletons.
medio | 26%
Built 15 big skeletons.
difícil | 18%
Built 10 huge skeletons.
difícil | 16%
Built 5 colossal skeletons.
difícil | 13%
Submitted a skeleton with every piece damaged.
difícil | 18%
Submitted 50 clean & pristine skeletons.
difícil | 16%
Used 20 bridges.
medio | 33%
Used 20 dynamite barrels.
medio | 25%
Used 20 lamps.
medio | 20%
Used 20 supports.
medio | 22%
Prevented death with a dodge roll.
difícil | 11%
Collected all other achievements!