fácil | 68%
Opened a Treasure Chest
fácil | 56%
Rescued a Bundrop
fácil | 65%
Completed the first level
fácil | 49%
Changed Flewfie's outfit using Bunn Bunn's Mirror
medio | 32%
Destroyed a rift
fácil | 46%
Rescued Tinka
medio | 22%
Delivered Carrot Cake to Bunn Bunn
difícil | 11%
Delivered all Bubs to Soda Pop
difícil | 10%
Delivered the missing Ingredients to Soup Demon
muy difícil | 6%
Delivered all missing Cogs to Clock Bot
muy difícil | 9%
Delivered Shrinking Potion to Scientist Snail
muy difícil | 6%
Reunited the friends in the Crystal Plains
muy difícil | 6%
Delivered the Crystal Cup to Pinky Panda
fácil | 52%
Defeated the Leaf Dragon
medio | 39%
Defeated Bratty Sprout
medio | 32%
Defeated the Grove Spirit
medio | 26%
Defeated the Gumball Guardian
medio | 23%
Defeated the Toxic Bat
medio | 22%
Defeated the Rotten Ruler
medio | 20%
Defeated the Shadow Lurker
difícil | 18%
Defeated Blaze
difícil | 16%
Defeated the Desert Dweller
difícil | 15%
Defeated The Keeper
difícil | 13%
Defeated the Gloom Goyle
difícil | 11%
Defeated Glitch Bot
difícil | 10%
Defeated Chrono
muy difícil | 9%
Defeated the Cosmic Jelly
muy difícil | 8%
Defeated Ruri
muy difícil | 8%
Defeated Roze
muy difícil | 7%
Defeated Crystelledra
extremo | 2%
Unlocked all Items
medio | 20%
100% completed all levels of Cutemelllow
difícil | 11%
100% completed all levels of the Candyverse
muy difícil | 7%
100% completed all levels of the Abandosphere
extremo | 4%
100% completed all levels of the Lost Towers
extremo | 3%
100% completed all levels of the Crystal Plains
medio | 37%
Won your first game of Fyued
medio | 26%
Won a game of Fyued against Glop
extremo | 1%
Collected all Fyued Cards
extremo | 1%
Beaten all Fyued players at a game of Fyued
fácil | 47%
Defeated 100 monsters
medio | 21%
Defeated 500 Monsters
difícil | 12%
Defeated 1000 monsters
muy difícil | 7%
Defeated a boss with out taking damage
difícil | 16%
Levelled Flewfie up to level 25
muy difícil | 7%
Levelled Flewfie up to Level 50
extremo | 4%
Completed the game on Easy difficulty
extremo | 3%
Completed the game on Normal Difficulty
Completed the game on Hard difficulty
muy difícil | 5%
Completed a level beyond Cutemellow without healing