muy fácil | 86%
You have watched the opening.
fácil | 54%
You have recaptured Dordogne Castle.
medio | 29%
You have found the missing Prince.
medio | 27%
You have learned the true identity of the Prince.
medio | 23%
You have reached the ending.
difícil | 17%
You have reached the true ending.
fácil | 60%
You have fortified a weapon for the first time.
difícil | 13%
You have fortified weapons 50 times.
medio | 29%
You have transmigrated a weapon for the first time.
difícil | 16%
You have transmigrated a weapon 10 times.
fácil | 40%
You have exceeded 10000 damage in one time.
difícil | 18%
You have exceeded 100000 damage in one time.
fácil | 60%
You have used a cauldron for the first time.
difícil | 19%
You have used a cauldron 30 times.
difícil | 12%
You have used a cauldron 100 times.
fácil | 47%
You have visited an Anywhere Battle Arena for the first time.
medio | 38%
You have cleared an easy-level Anywhere Battle.
medio | 29%
You have cleared a normal-level Anywhere Battle.
medio | 23%
You have cleared a hard-level Anywhere Battle.
difícil | 19%
You have cleared a special-level Anywhere Battle.
fácil | 63%
You have gained a Material Gun.
fácil | 46%
You have used a Material Gun 10 times.
medio | 26%
You have used a Material Gun 100 times.
difícil | 16%
You have used a Material Gun 300 times.
difícil | 13%
You have completed all the sub-quests.
medio | 31%
You have entered the Labyrinth of Time for the first time.
medio | 26%
You have reached the 6th floor of the Labyrinth of Time.
medio | 24%
You have reached the 10th floor of the Labyrinth of Time.
medio | 21%
You have reached the 16th floor of the Labyrinth of Time.
difícil | 19%
You have defeated the master of the Labyrinth of Time.