difícil | 18%
Completed the game
difícil | 12%
Finished the game without dying
difícil | 12%
Beat the best time on every level
difícil | 12%
Finished the game in less than 2 hours
difícil | 16%
Completed a level without taking damage
fácil | 42%
Found all the items any level
medio | 24%
Found 5 weapons
medio | 24%
Killed 15 fish in a level
difícil | 13%
Killed all the enemies in a level with ranged attacks with 100% of accuracy
difícil | 16%
Killed all the enemies in a level only using melee attacks
fácil | 47%
Killed an enemy with a melee attack while airborne
muy fácil | 84%
Killed all enemies in a level
medio | 34%
Killed 250 enemies
medio | 20%
Killed an fish while it’s flying from the pipe before it hits the water
medio | 22%
Hit a enemy with a grenade from more than 100 units of distance
medio | 21%
Killed 5 enemies or more with one grenade explosion
regalado | 93%
Killed an enemy with ranged attacks in less than 1 second after it spawns
medio | 21%
Got killed in the orange goo
difícil | 18%
Took more than 20 damage from orange goo
fácil | 44%
Got killed on a bottomless pit