extremo | 2%
Try every game
Double your money in Black Jack ($400)
muy difícil | 9%
Reach the top of the local scoreboard in Centipede
Reach the top of the local scoreboard in Liberator
extremo | 4%
Earn more than triple the other player’s points in a game of tethered 2-player Space Duel
muy difícil | 7%
Reach the top of the local scoreboard in Space Duel
muy difícil | 8%
Reach the top of the local scoreboard in Tempest
extremo | 4%
Kill your human opponent in a 2-player game of arcade Warlords before any AIs die
Get the top score of 99 in Air-Sea Battle’s Shooting Gallery
extremo | 1%
Reach the top of the local scoreboard in Black Widow
Take out 10 fleas in a row in arcade Centipede without letting one reach the bottom or losing a life
extremo | 1%
Hit the ground in Lunar Lander with at least 550 downward velocity
muy difícil | 5%
Take out an entire Millipede with DDT in the arcade version
Reach the top of the local scoreboard in Millipede
fácil | 47%
Earn a point in Pong by sending the ball into the corner when it can’t be reached
Win a game of Pong against the AI without losing a point to it
Achieve a score of 300,000 or higher in Yars’ Revenge
extremo | 1%
Take out the Swirl with your Zorlon Cannon in Yars’ Revenge
Clear a level in Canyon Bomber with limited bombs (Games 1-4)
Eliminate all the mushrooms in a level of arcade Centipede
extremo | 1%
Score a kill in Combat’s Tank-Pong using a shot that has bounced at least 7 times
Earn 800 points in Lunar Lander’s COMMAND MISSION
Finish Level 81 or above in arcade Tempest without losing a life in the level
Win with no wall left in arcade Warlords