muy fácil | 89%
Captured your first creature
fácil | 62%
Bought an artifact
fácil | 66%
Had a full party
extremo | 2%
Captured one of each creature type
fácil | 40%
Equipped a rune
fácil | 41%
Gave your creature some food
fácil | 51%
Destroyed 50 jars
Unlocked all shrine slots
medio | 21%
Defeated B'koro
difícil | 11%
Defeated Tarl
muy difícil | 5%
Defeated Kisara
extremo | 3%
Defeated Kyn
extremo | 2%
Defeated Raad
extremo | 1%
Cleared a dungeon
extremo | 1%
Used a gem in an artifact
medio | 26%
Cooked with three different ingredients
extremo | 3%
Explored all maps
medio | 23%
Completed an expedition
difícil | 19%
Captured a blessed creature
extremo | 4%
Capture a super blessed creature
difícil | 14%
Upgraded an artifact
Fully upgraded an artifact
extremo | 2%
Completed the main questline
extremo | 4%
Captured your first legendary creature
Captured all legendary creatures
Captured the secret creature
Had four meecras in your party and beaten a map
extremo | 4%
Unlocked all rune slots
fácil | 53%
Dealt damage on dummies
medio | 20%
Found 4 artifacts
difícil | 12%
Found 8 artifacts
extremo | 4%
Found 12 artifacts
extremo | 3%
Found 20 artifacts
medio | 26%
Captured 10 unique creatures
muy difícil | 7%
Captured 20 unique creatures
extremo | 2%
Captured 30 unique creatures
medio | 31%
Released a creature
fácil | 49%
Opened a chest
extremo | 4%
Leveled up a creature to level 5
Released a super blessed creature
medio | 20%
Healed a cursed creature using a holy food
Captured all blessed creatures
Captured all super blessed creatures
Completed quests of the Depth VI
Completed quests of the Depth VII
Completed quests of the Depth VIII
Completed an ascension trial
Unlocked All Achievements