Chapter 1: confront the four recruits during the training session with Mors
Chapter 2: protect the nobility with Alester
Chapter 2: protect the people with Alester
Chapter 6: don't lose pursuit of the bastard
Chapter 7: find all the corrupt brothers of the Night's Watch
Chapter 7: attack the camp without killing the sentries at the start
Chapter 8: save Orys from the City Watch
Chapter 8: find the key in Alester's father's tomb
Chapter 9: kill 6 of Lord Harlton's soldiers during the fight at dinner
Chapter 9: suffer all the physical abuse during the torture sequence
Chapter 11: bring an end to the trial by combat in under 2 minutes
Chapter 12: take back Riverspring with a total victory
Chapter 13: reach Jeyne's room without ever being seen
Chapter 14: come to the aid of the Reapers
Chapter 15: execute the judgement passed down on the Westfords
Emerge triumphant in the final arena combat
Send 10 recruits to the Wall with Mors
Seize the three objects of value from the Collector with Alester
Convince Bethany to return to Chataya's brothel with Alester
Find all the statues of the Seven