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Attack of the Movies 3D


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Plataforma Xbox 360
Desarrollador Panic Button Games
Editor Majesco Entertainment
Comenta Attack of the Movies 3D en su foro
En catálogo desde 28 mayo de 2010 a las 11:10
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Guía de logros para Attack of the Movies 3D

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La dificultad para obtenerlos estimada por los usuarios es 4.3/10 (3 votos).

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Guía de logros Attack of the Movies 3D

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Logros de Attack of the Movies 3D

20 logros con un total de 1000.

Guías para el logro 'Entirety'

You must play through all levels.

Guías para el logro 'Hard to Complete'

You must complete all levels on the Hard difficulty setting.

Guías para el logro 'Immortal'

You must play through all levels without dying in any level.

Guías para el logro 'Cosmic Combat'

You must play through the entire Cosmic Combat level.

Guías para el logro 'Deep Sea Danger'

You must play through the entire Deep Sea Danger level.


Guías para el logro ''

You must play through the entire Emperor's Tomb level.

Guías para el logro 'Graveyard Gunfight'

You must play through the entire Graveyard Gunfight level.

Guías para el logro 'Insect Invasion'

You must play through the entire Insect Invasion level.

Guías para el logro 'Robot Rebellion'

You must play through the entire Robot Rebellion level.

Guías para el logro 'Third Dimension'

You must play through any level in 3D.

Guías para el logro 'Single Shot'

You must play through any level using only the single shot weapon.

Guías para el logro 'Staying Alive'

You must play through and complete any level without dying.

Guías para el logro '100 Ant Kill'

You must kill 100 ants in one play through of Insect Invasion.

Guías para el logro 'Reactor Destruction'

You must destroy all the ship reactors in one play through of Cosmic Combat.

Guías para el logro 'Underwater Mine Expert'

You must destroy all the mines in one play through of Deep Sea Danger.

Guías para el logro 'Bottle Shoot'

You must shoot all bottles in Graveyard Gunfight.

Guías para el logro 'Mine Expert'

You must destroy all mines in one play through of Robot Rebellion.

Guías para el logro 'Hotshot'

You must get a hit streak of 20 shots in any level.

Guías para el logro 'Big Score'

Earn a score of at least 75,000 points in any one level.

Guías para el logro 'Stolen Idol'

You must steal the Idol from the Emperor's Tomb.