difícil | 12%
Reach Novice Tier
muy difícil | 8%
Reach Bronze Tier
muy difícil | 6%
Reach Silver Tier
extremo | 3%
Reach Gold Tier
extremo | 2%
Reach World Class Tier
extremo | 1%
Reach World Class Tier with more than one boxer
Reach World Class Tier without losing
fácil | 48%
Reach 10 rounds in a match without getting winded
muy fácil | 71%
Knock out an opponent while they are winded
fácil | 55%
Knock down the opponent in the first round
Win after knocking out the opponent with the first punch that connects
muy fácil | 76%
Dodge all of the opponent’s punches in a single round and win
medio | 39%
Dodge all of the opponent’s punches for the entire match and win
muy difícil | 6%
Dodge none of the opponent’s punches and win
fácil | 69%
Reach 10 rounds and win
fácil | 45%
Reach 10 rounds and lose
difícil | 18%
End a fight in a draw
fácil | 64%
Land a critical hit to knock down the opponent
fácil | 59%
Advertise a fight
extremo | 4%
Participate in at least one fight a day for seven days
extremo | 2%
Reach 100 Reputation
muy difícil | 8%
Hire one of each kind of staff
medio | 21%
Gain at least one trinket of each type
Obtain a Masterwork Trinket
Obtain at least one Masterwork trinket of each type
extremo | 1%
Win a fight against a World Class opponent without any trinket equipped
difícil | 19%
Finish the Scrappy Entrepreneur Scenario
extremo | 1%
Finish the Family Feud Scenario
extremo | 1%
Finish the Disgraced, Not Dead Scenario
Finish the Veteran Greenhorn Scenario
extremo | 1%
Complete all Scenarios
muy difícil | 7%
Upgrade the Gym to its maximum level
extremo | 2%
Upgrade the Clinic to its maximum level
extremo | 1%
Upgrade the Lounge to its maximum level
extremo | 1%
Upgrade all facilities to its maximum level
fácil | 57%
Use clock out to advance time by 7 days in one usage
medio | 32%
Customize a Boxer
fácil | 46%
Learn a skill from Skill Training
muy difícil | 5%
Have three different skills on a single boxer
extremo | 1%
Finish the Women's Boxing Pioneer Scenario
muy difícil | 8%
Restore a boxer's Energy to full and Stress to zero using a facility before taking part in a fight o
extremo | 2%
Reach the maximum amount in one stat
Have the maxmimum amount in one stat, and the minimum in another
muy fácil | 82%
Win your first fight
muy difícil | 9%
Win a hundred fights
difícil | 12%
Win against another boxer of a higher Tier
difícil | 12%
Reach Day 365
muy difícil | 9%
Recruit the maximum amount of boxers
Defeat a boxer that you used to manage
Earn a total of $1,000,000.00
extremo | 3%
Finish the Sugar, The Story Scenario
extremo | 1%
Finish the Brockton Bomber Scenario
extremo | 1%
Finish the "The Man in the Arena" Scenario