regalado | 94%
Solve your first puzzle
regalado | 94%
Solve a puzzle with minimum 3-letter words
muy fácil | 84%
Solve a puzzle with minimum 4-letter words
muy fácil | 79%
Solve a puzzle with minimum 5-letter words
regalado | 95%
Find an 8-letter word
regalado | 97%
Find a bonus word
regalado | 95%
Find 5 bonus words in the same puzzle
regalado | 97%
Try an answer that isn't even a word
regalado | 94%
Try the same invalid word twice
regalado | 97%
Use a hint
muy fácil | 83%
Solve a puzzle without using a hint
muy fácil | 78%
Solve a puzzle without entering any invalid words
muy fácil | 75%
Anagrams, huh?
fácil | 60%
Place 500 words into grids
muy fácil | 89%
Resume a partially-completed puzzle
regalado | 93%
Spend at least a minute considering a solution
muy fácil | 78%
Place the word “ONE” wonderfully
muy fácil | 78%
Place the word “FEE” and feel good about it
muy fácil | 78%
Place the word “CEL” and cheer
muy fácil | 77%
Place the word “DAN” and feel fine
muy fácil | 76%
Place the word “JOY” and be happy
muy fácil | 75%
Place the word “BEE” and smile
muy fácil | 75%
Place the word “RAY” radiantly
muy fácil | 75%
Place the word “AWE” awesomely
muy fácil | 75%
Place the word “YIP” and jump for joy