muy difícil | 7%
Meet the dancing clown 10 times
difícil | 19%
Destroy the cult building 5 times
difícil | 10%
Meet the alley gator 10 times
muy difícil | 9%
Meet the vigilante 7 times
difícil | 15%
Zap hawkmen 5 times
muy difícil | 7%
Destroy the totem 10 times
muy fácil | 70%
Reach level 2 with any Giga
fácil | 51%
Reach level 10 with any Giga
medio | 33%
Reach level 30 with any Giga
extremo | 2%
Reach the maximum level with all Giga
fácil | 50%
Finish the Suburbs level
fácil | 42%
Finish the Wild West level
medio | 36%
Finish the Knight Age level
medio | 33%
Finish the Lost Island level
medio | 28%
Finish the Metro Dome level
difícil | 19%
Finish the Eternal City level
fácil | 57%
Equip a pet
medio | 37%
Equip pets in all slots of any Giga
fácil | 62%
Buy your first piece of furniture
muy fácil | 73%
Feed, clean and play with your Giga for the first time
fácil | 41%
Reach the maximum level of one mutation
medio | 38%
Unlock a new skin
difícil | 17%
Unlock all skins for any Giga
fácil | 57%
Acquire 5 Power Up(s)
fácil | 51%
Acquire 10 Power Up(s)
fácil | 45%
Acquire 20 Power Up(s)
medio | 36%
Acquire 40 Power Up(s)
fácil | 56%
Take 10000 damage in total
fácil | 46%
Take 50000 damage in total
medio | 38%
Take 125000 damage in total
medio | 33%
Take 200000 damage in total
difícil | 13%
Take 1000000 damage in total
fácil | 40%
Defeat boss 3 times
medio | 32%
Defeat boss 6 times
difícil | 18%
Defeat boss 12 times
fácil | 45%
Reach maximum level with any skill
medio | 39%
Get 5 meat on a single run
medio | 34%
Reach maximum level of any pet
fácil | 47%
Feed Giga 10 times
fácil | 45%
Clean Giga poop 10 times
medio | 34%
Buy 20 pieces of furniture
medio | 36%
Unlock the last skill with any Giga
fácil | 48%
Slay 1000 humans
medio | 28%
Slay 5000 humans
difícil | 11%
Slay 15000 humans
fácil | 44%
Destroy 500 buildings
medio | 27%
Destroy 1500 buildings
difícil | 14%
Destroy 3000 buildings
muy difícil | 7%
Zap 10 Duck Knights
difícil | 11%
Solve 5 chess puzzles
medio | 28%
Light 10 fire beacons
extremo | 3%
Destroy 10 meteors
muy difícil | 6%
Defeat Octopy 5 times