muy fácil | 78%
Fromm defeated.
fácil | 55%
Arakin defeated.
fácil | 47%
Sigurd defeated.
medio | 34%
Game completed without using the easy level of difficulty.
difícil | 14%
Game completed using only the hard level of difficulty.
muy fácil | 77%
Treasure chest collected.
fácil | 40%
Three treasure chests collected.
muy fácil | 89%
Warrior ability learned.
muy fácil | 78%
Two warrior abilities learned.
fácil | 44%
All warrior abilities learned.
fácil | 40%
1000 damage inflicted to the enemies with Fire Arrow.
medio | 21%
Defense spell used 10 times.
fácil | 48%
Rain of Fire spell learned.
fácil | 40%
Great Otag defeated.
medio | 35%
Chuk-Chuk defeated.
medio | 31%
King Tarik defeated.
medio | 22%
Game completed without using the easy level of difficulty.
muy difícil | 9%
Game completed using only the hard level of difficulty.
medio | 39%
Wizard spell learned.
medio | 36%
Four wizard spells learned.
medio | 26%
Seven wizard spells learned.
difícil | 13%
All ice spells learned
difícil | 16%
Three nature spells learned.
medio | 21%
All fire spells learned.
medio | 29%
Davy Jones defeated.
medio | 27%
Sir Rodrick defeated.
medio | 25%
Jarl Erik defeated.
medio | 24%
The Great Reaper defeated.
difícil | 18%
Game completed without using the easy level of difficulty.
muy difícil | 9%
Game completed using only the hard level of difficulty.
medio | 31%
Pirate trick learned.
medio | 27%
Six pirate tricks learned.
medio | 24%
All pirate tricks learned.
medio | 23%
Visited all islands.
difícil | 10%
Have overcome 25 random encounters in the sea.
medio | 30%
Looted 7 treasure chests and hidden caches.