Raging Bytes tiene además 36 logros extra
muy fácil | 86%
Unlocked the story "Ominous Ward".
muy fácil | 82%
Unlocked the story "Through Groaning Streets".
muy fácil | 78%
Unlocked the story "To a Bigger City".
fácil | 64%
Unlocked the story "The City at Last".
fácil | 57%
Unlocked the story "TV Station Line of Defense".
fácil | 44%
Unlocked the story "The TV Station Falls".
medio | 39%
Unlocked the story "A Mall Paradise".
medio | 31%
Unlocked the story "Path of Hope".
medio | 29%
Unlocked the story "Arrival at the Military Base".
medio | 28%
Unlocked the story "Hope and Despair".
medio | 24%
Watched the ending.
difícil | 12%
Watched the bad ending.
fácil | 53%
Cleared the sub story "Doomsday Dwellers".
medio | 31%
Cleared the sub story "Police Chief".
medio | 28%
Cleared the sub story "Motel Tragedy".
medio | 29%
Cleared the sub story "Daydream Champ".
difícil | 17%
Attacked an enemy with Katana.
medio | 29%
Attacked an enemy with Baseball Bat.
medio | 24%
Attacked an enemy with Golf Club.
medio | 25%
Attacked more than 6 enemies at the same time.
extremo | 3%
Watched the ending in the difficulty "Hard" or "Nightmare", with more than 50 bullets remaining.
extremo | 2%
Watched the ending in the difficulty "Hard".
extremo | 2%
Watched the ending in the difficulty "Nightmare".
muy fácil | 80%
Gained more than 100,000 score.
fácil | 41%
Gained more than 500,000 score.
difícil | 12%
Gained more than 1,000,000 score.
fácil | 60%
Gained 10 types of weapons.
fácil | 46%
Gained 20 types of weapons.
medio | 38%
Gained 30 types of weapons.
muy difícil | 8%
Gained all types of weapons.
muy fácil | 73%
Gained 5 types of documents.
fácil | 58%
Gained 15 types of documents.
difícil | 16%
Gained all types of documents.
muy fácil | 71%
Gained 5 types of food supplies.
fácil | 52%
Gained 10 types of food supplies.
extremo | 4%
Gained all types of food supplies.