Ghost Sync tiene además 32 logros extra
muy fácil | 82%
Watched the opening.
muy fácil | 74%
First ally joined the party.
fácil | 64%
Second ally joined the party.
fácil | 58%
All allies joined the party.
fácil | 47%
Met the Guild Master.
fácil | 41%
Lynx the Ancient Spirit joined the party.
medio | 35%
Obtained the submarine.
medio | 34%
Garyo the Ancient Spirit joined the party.
medio | 29%
Garyo the Ancient Spirit awakend.
medio | 27%
Watched the normal ending "Help Corone".
medio | 22%
Watched the normal ending "Return to Kinari".
difícil | 18%
Watched the true ending "Journey to Purify Aura".
fácil | 54%
Walked 50,000 steps.
medio | 37%
Walked 250,000 steps.
medio | 26%
Walked 500,000 steps.
fácil | 45%
Collected 50 treasure chests.
medio | 37%
Collected 100 treasure chests.
medio | 28%
Collected 200 treasure chests.
medio | 39%
Upgraded weapons 20 times.
medio | 33%
Upgraded weapons 40 times.
medio | 23%
Upgraded weapons 100 times.
fácil | 44%
Dealt 5,000 max damage to enemies.
fácil | 41%
Dealt 10,000 max damage to enemies.
medio | 36%
Dealt 30,000 max damage to enemies.
fácil | 57%
Defeated 100 enemies.
fácil | 48%
Defeated 500 enemies.
medio | 37%
Defeated 1,500 enemies.
difícil | 18%
Cleared all subquests.
medio | 28%
Cleared the Beginner Level at the arena.
medio | 27%
Cleared the Intermediate Level at the arena.
medio | 26%
Cleared the Advanced Level at the arena.
medio | 24%
Cleared the Expert Level at the arena.